An art&craft space of 50 square meters but 4 meters high because the ceilingmust be high and there must be room for ideas. An open space without walls with large tables, drawers and cabinets to shareideas or hide secrets
Eating a sandwich at the office is the saddest thing in the world! A kitchen with a
4 mt hob for cooking, a table where you can eat with real dishes, this is the open studio life!

Talk face to face.
If you need to meet someone professionally you need a conference room.
35 square meters, 4 meters high and with a wood hudge central table of 4 meters.
Tell us the day and the hall will be there!
Open Studio follows the art&craft philosophy.
It is the meeting place forcreatives and professionals who belong to the homo faber race.
Here you will find the right space to build your ideas using yourshands: work tables, tools, a space to set up, build, photograph, film.

What if one winter night a traveller...if a team of creatives wanted to come toRome for 1 week? If one of our customers or colleagues would like to come andvisit us? Open Studio offers hospitality with two bedrooms for up to 6 people + 2 bathrooms. Open studio is available for the team which offers 6 tables in the office, thekitchen, a fully equipped 35m2 room to be set up for filming or a conferenceroom, 1 stagecraft department. Also available is the Nogravity-Studio-Theater room of 100 square meters 4meters high set up with white curtains or in the 'black box' version with velvet curtains